Strategic commodity risk management survey 2010-11 by Kairos
Useful articles
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By Sterling Commerce
By Supply & Demand Chain Executive
By IndustryWeek's senior editor Jill Jusko
By Peter Obanda Wanyama Born on 25th September 1968 In Mbale – Uganda
Dissertation to obtain the degree of doctor at the University of Twente, on the authority of the rector magnificus, Prof. Dr. H. Brinksma, on account of the decision of the graduation committee to be publicly defended on October 8th 2010 at 15.00 hours.
By McKinsey Quarterly
It is important to bear in mind there is no blue print or a one size fits all for China, Brazil and India. Differentiate between markets.
From CPO Agenda
Twenty-six years after the publication of his seminal article on purchasing, Peter Kraljic talks about the relevance of his thinking to today’s environment
By the Office of Government Commerce UK
By the UK National Audit Office